Hi there,
I have a new internet connection and was seeing 80% FP, so I think I need to set up the router. I tried setting up port forwarding as recommended on the technical support page, but it is still not working properly. Could you please tell me if there is anything wrong in my setting?
The DNAT rule looks good. Just make sure, the IP address matches the local IP address of your computer. Start > Run > type "cmd" and hit Enter > type "ipconfig" into Command Prompt. "Local IPv4 Address starting with 192.168."
The screenshot shows a properly configured DNAT rule which should allow you to play. Another thing I noticed is the IPv6 WAN address. Please make sure, to use IPv4 only, since the game does not know how to handle IPv6 as it's simply too old.
The screenshot shows a properly configured DNAT rule which should allow you to play. Another thing I noticed is the IPv6 WAN address. Please make sure, to use IPv4 only, since the game does not know how to handle IPv6 as it's simply too old.
You are still having an IPv6 address assigned, however you require an IPv4 address. Please call your ISP.
Your local network port (UDP) is 16000. All game traffic is routed through this port. This can be changed in "Settings" -> "NAT Traversal".
Attempting to connect to 3 test servers. This will take around a minute to complete...
Received data from 'server 2' through port 11620 (this is your WAN or router port)
Received data from 'server 1' through port 50305 (this is your WAN or router port)
Received data from 'server 3' through port 27247 (this is your WAN or router port)
14 seconds left.
9 seconds left.
4 seconds left.
Test Result: Symmetric NAT
Network Health: Poor
Recommended Action: Port forwarding recommended or switch routers. The only port you need to forward is UDP port 16000 on Voobly you do NOT need the direct play ports 2300-2400 and 47624.
Details: Your router assigned different public ports to all the test servers this will make it hard for users to directly connect to you. You will likely see a large number of fast proxies.
Please make sure, your local IP address matches the IP address of your port forwarding rule. Please upload a screenshot of both, output of ipconfig and your port forwarding rule.
I have a new internet connection and was seeing 80% FP, so I think I need to set up the router. I tried setting up port forwarding as recommended on the technical support page, but it is still not working properly. Could you please tell me if there is anything wrong in my setting?
Your local network port (UDP) is 16000. All game traffic is routed through this port. This can be changed in "Settings" -> "NAT Traversal".
Attempting to connect to 3 test servers. This will take around a minute to complete...
Received data from 'server 2' through port 11620 (this is your WAN or router port)
Received data from 'server 1' through port 50305 (this is your WAN or router port)
Received data from 'server 3' through port 27247 (this is your WAN or router port)
14 seconds left.
9 seconds left.
4 seconds left.
Test Result: Symmetric NAT
Network Health: Poor
Recommended Action: Port forwarding recommended or switch routers. The only port you need to forward is UDP port 16000 on Voobly you do NOT need the direct play ports 2300-2400 and 47624.
Details: Your router assigned different public ports to all the test servers this will make it hard for users to directly connect to you. You will likely see a large number of fast proxies.
For help understanding this report or for more information go to http://www.voobly.com/pages/view/177#Network_Diagnostic_Tool.