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Same design as BF LORD. (with dot - I think it was the most popular LORD version in DE Balance). So 8 deer, 2 boar, no water, no hills, no extra boar, no wolves. Straggler trees little bit closer to the TC.
Expanded with 1.6 features so it has ALLIED VISION, can generate different terrain, herdables and hunt but without distraction (and no snow) and most common generation is still sheep+boar+normal terrain.
You have to put it in this folder:
Microsoft Games\Age of Empires ii\Voobly Mods\AOC\Data Mods\v1.6 Game Data\Script.Rm
I prefer this as it takes a bit more effort and team coordination for a successful cut, and it also makes a rush cut from start less feasible. Most people already don't do it (because they play BF for a reason), but it can be a real OP strategy.
NOC in file name = No Onager Cut.
Again you have to put it in this folder:
Microsoft Games\Age of Empires ii\Voobly Mods\AOC\Data Mods\v1.6 Game Data\Script.Rm
I will also add a version of this with no cutting onagers, all with the combinations of Allied Vision and Fixed Positions.
Anyway, why try to reinvent wheel and not use map that i modified? I put in many effort to use 1.6 features in terrain, herdables, hunts, you can see from script it has a lot more diversity and consistency compared to old default (animals match eachother and trees, all herdables in one map all same kind; e.g. pine trees in mountains with ibex, boar and goat, or jungle trees in tropical with ostriches, turkeys and rhino, amongst other possible combinations). And it has many other things that BF LORD players prefer to current default map: stragglers bit closer to tcs, boar and sheep closer to tc, less thin tunnels, not random trees everywhere blocking buildings. Those things are based on the most popular BF LORD version from DE Balance.
I did use your script and noted the differences (hills, wolves...). I wanted to do it properly to add the map in the Handicap mode, in case people want even more versatility.
In any case, thanks for the NOC code.