What exactly isn’t working? Are you getting any error messages? What patch were you playing, which mods? We need the information in order to troubleshoot the problem together with you.
Your problem is not related with our Anti Cheat update last weekend, so I am really surprised it has stopped working out of sudden.
The problem was related to a pending client update. You guys were playing with different client versions causing this: (old stable), (Anti-Cheat Update), (Anti-Cheat Update) and (most recent version with the crash fix). There should be no more crashes now, at least not related to this old issue.
still crashing all players same version
on new original windows 11 clean installation, new original game, and new clean installation direct of the a.m voobly version, first 2-3 min of the game voobly just disappear all games I was the host
still crashing all players same version
on new original windows 11 clean installation, new original game, and new clean installation direct of the a.m voobly version, first 2-3 min of the game voobly just disappear all games if I'm the host has been released which fixes several bugs.
A good feature to implement would be that if there's someone who drops from the game, and the room still says that person is in the game, to auto boot that player after 5 or 10 failure peer check. Or let the host to kick him after 10 retries of connect to him...
<Connection to 'player' is not responsive (failure: peer check)>
This is already the case -- if a player times out on Voobly / loses the connection to the internet, the client will also kill the game process. The error message above however describes a player who has disconnected from our proxy server. However, this is no indiciation whether someone has dropped from the game, since the game itself is peer to peer and has nothing to do with Voobly. In other words, it is impossible for the client to detect, whether someone has dropped from game. It is also common that players will reconnect to the proxy server and the game will continue after a short delay. If this delay however is too high, he will disconnected from game anyway, which means, that it's not necessary to have the ability to kick him from the game room.
The crashing / Voobly closing issue should now be fixed with the latest client.
Not a fan of new graphics either. Too detailed. Units are harder to tell apart.
I know it's what they use on steam DE...
But I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Not that it's gonna change. Gotta do the new things.
But im done.
Your problem is not related with our Anti Cheat update last weekend, so I am really surprised it has stopped working out of sudden.
on new original windows 11 clean installation, new original game, and new clean installation direct of the a.m voobly version, first 2-3 min of the game voobly just disappear all games I was the host
on new original windows 11 clean installation, new original game, and new clean installation direct of the a.m voobly version, first 2-3 min of the game voobly just disappear all games if I'm the host
every game I guess until I'm not host let me check if any other players have same issue idk maybe I'm the only one running windows 11 ....
A good feature to implement would be that if there's someone who drops from the game, and the room still says that person is in the game, to auto boot that player after 5 or 10 failure peer check. Or let the host to kick him after 10 retries of connect to him...
<Connection to 'player' is not responsive (failure: peer check)>