Hi everyone ! welcome
I think most people want to try a new map ,A map where civilizations are more balanced and
There is no match that ends due to a massive imbalance civs but there is always an opportunity for each team.
Also I want to point out that it would be fun to add HD and DE civilizations to the map
Which will give a new experience to us.
For this, we must cooperate ..What I need for everyone is a list of Bugs you are aware of , I would like to know about them all. As this post is updated I will make the required changes and update THIS post with my progress.
Also please tell us of what you wanna remove/Add in the next update.
For people who have the skill to modify the game maps and want to provide a helping hand.. Please contact me
... Bugs Reported - In Progress or Fixed :
New Features - In Progress or Fixed
1- FRANKS - Fixed (Bearded AXES Reseached Since feudal age (+1 range) )
2-Saracens - Fixed (Saracens Will imp at 700 + 3Razes to vill )
3-Spain - Fixed (spain imp at 700 )
4-Koreans - Fixed
(Will imp at 550 )
5- Teutons - Fixed (Get +2 line of sight )
6- Persians - Fixed (5 razes to get vills )
7-Goths - Fixed :
( 200 cage 400 Imp )
8-Adding De And Hd Civs - In Progress :
9-Aztesc - Fixed :
Chain mail armor (+1 armor vs infa .. +1 armor vs arch ) ..( i tested it and it still weak vs jap and tt ) + Squires(+10% faster Units ) + 200 Cage 400 Imp
10- Britons - Fixed :
( Yeomen Disabled ( +1 RANGE at imperial age ) )
11- Persians- Fixed :
( Imperial at 700)
12- Adding new Hero - Fixed :
(at 5k Super haralds + Super Gk will be spawned Both instead of x2 Super GK)
13/ Restrict Bombard Towers - fixed :
(BBTs will be restricted:55 BBTs outside the Base... 20 BBts inside the Base )
14/ Villagers - Fixed :
(Max villagers number = 15 )
1- I increased BBTs inside the base from 20 To 30
2- I increased Bbts outside the base from 55 To 70
3- I descreased Huskarls spawn by 1 sec From 12 Sec to 11 Sec
4- I fixed p1 Hero spawn / P6 Hero Spawn
5- Increased vills limits From 15 To 20
V18 :
1- Fix Host's khans bug
2-In 400 Kills it Play Britons Civ Sound
3-in 600 Kills It Play Vikings Civ Sound
4-In 800 Kills It Play Byzantines Civ Sound
5-In 1K Kills It Play Mongols Civ Sound
6- 3.5 Kills =Super Haralds "5 sec" + Super Khans " 5 sec "
7- 5K kills = Super Martel "5 sec " + Super Khans " 5 sec"
Age updates:
-Chinese and Vikings imperial increased by 50 kills
-Chinese castle age forwarded to 250
-Spanish and Turks imperial age decreased by 50 kills
-Saracen imperial age 650 to 700
-Franks castle age maybe decreased down to 250
-Mayans imperial 450 to 500 MAYBE
-Teutons could do with more speed
-Aztecs and Franks with more archer armor
-Britons with 1 less range as in +5 at max
-Koreans slightly more resistance from huskarls/mamelukes
Spawn and unit max pop:
-Goths spawn increased by 1-2 seconds [as in seconds in fast mode]
-Saracen spawn increased by 1 second and population maybe decreased by 4 from 72 to 68
-Korean spawn increased by 1 second
-Teuton spawn decreased by 1 second
-Aztecs can do with 84/80 population instead of 96 after bringing up the armor update
Also, aside from these I'd suggest a maximum of villagers one can raze up to.
These suggestions above are not the decisions on the map, just opinions from my side/referral to someone else's opinions.
Age updates:
-Chinese and Vikings imperial increased by 50 kills
-Chinese castle age forwarded to 250
-Spanish and Turks imperial age decreased by 50 kills
-Saracen imperial age 650 to 700
-Franks castle age maybe decreased down to 250
-Mayans imperial 450 to 500 MAYBE
-Teutons could do with more speed
-Aztecs and Franks with more archer armor
-Britons with 1 less range as in +5 at max
-Koreans slightly more resistance from huskarls/mamelukes
Spawn and unit max pop:
-Goths spawn increased by 1-2 seconds [as in seconds in fast mode]
-Saracen spawn increased by 1 second and population maybe decreased by 4 from 72 to 68
-Korean spawn increased by 1 second
-Teuton spawn decreased by 1 second
-Aztecs can do with 84/80 population instead of 96 after bringing up the armor update
Also, aside from these I'd suggest a maximum of villagers one can raze up to.
These suggestions above are not the decisions on the map, just opinions from my side/referral to someone else's opinions.
well if we are going to add archer armor to franks and add them bearded axes .. i think there is no need to descrease kills for cage
.. goth already slow spawn maybe a descrease no ? or keep it ..
i mostly agree with other points .. let wait what will others say
add an ingame mechanism that ranks civs based on strength for example
saracens +25
span +20
mongol +15
turk +12
pers +10
etc etc
and then give the team with worse civ some bonus to reduce the unfairness of the match up
lets say
team 1
saracens (+25)
persians (+10)
turks (+12)
celts (0)
team 2
goth (0)
aztec (0)
vik (0)
mongols (+15)
net rating difference
0-10 = leave it as it
10-25 = give 1 player on team w/ weaker civs archer of the eye from the start
25-50 = give 1 player archer of the eyes + give another player vil from start
Hi everyone ! welcome
I think most people want to try a new map ,A map where civilizations are more balanced and
There is no match that ends due to a massive imbalance civs but there is always an opportunity for each team.
Also I want to point out that it would be fun to add HD and DE civilizations to the map
Which will give a new experience to us.
For this, we must cooperate ..What I need for everyone is a list of Bugs you are aware of , I would like to know about them all. As this post is updated I will make the required changes and update THIS post with my progress.
Also please tell us of what you wanna remove/Add in the next update.
For people who have the skill to modify the game maps and want to provide a helping hand.. Please contact me
... Bugs Reported - In Progress or Fixed :
1- CELT FAST SPAWN BUG IN P1 - P2 SPOTS - In progress - Fixed By:
New Features - In Progress or Fixed
1- FRANKS - In Progress - Fixed By : (Bearded AXES Reseached Since feudal age (+1 range))
(In Progress" = Issue is being investigated "NFF" = No Fault Found "Fixed" = Issue has been found and resolved)
add an ingame mechanism that ranks civs based on strength for example
saracens +25
span +20
mongol +15
turk +12
pers +10
etc etc
and then give the team with worse civ some bonus to reduce the unfairness of the match up
lets say
team 1
saracens (+25)
persians (+10)
turks (+12)
celts (0)
team 2
goth (0)
aztec (0)
vik (0)
mongols (+15)
net rating difference
0-10 = leave it as it
10-25 = give 1 player on team w/ weaker civs archer of the eye from the start
25-50 = give 1 player archer of the eyes + give another player vil from start
just an idea but would make games more fair
Genius idea .. idk if this can happen need ask more about it
I think most people want to try a new map ,A map where civilizations are more balanced and
There is no match that ends due to a massive imbalance civs but there is always an opportunity for each team.
Also I want to point out that it would be fun to add HD and DE civilizations to the map
Which will give a new experience to us.
For this, we must cooperate ..What I need for everyone is a list of Bugs you are aware of , I would like to know about them all. As this post is updated I will make the required changes and update THIS post with my progress.
Also please tell us of what you wanna remove/Add in the next update.
For people who have the skill to modify the game maps and want to provide a helping hand.. Please contact me
Bugs Reported - In Progress or Fixed :
New Features - In Progress or Fixed
1- FRANKS - Fixed
(Bearded AXES Reseached Since feudal age (+1 range) )
2-Saracens - Fixed
(Saracens Will imp at 700 + 3Razes to vill )
3-Spain - Fixed
(spain imp at 700 )
4-Koreans - Fixed
(Will imp at 550 )
5- Teutons - Fixed
(Get +2 line of sight )
6- Persians - Fixed
(5 razes to get vills )
7-Goths - Fixed :
( 200 cage 400 Imp )
8-Adding De And Hd Civs - In Progress :
9-Aztesc - Fixed :
Chain mail armor (+1 armor vs infa .. +1 armor vs arch ) ..( i tested it and it still weak vs jap and tt ) + Squires(+10% faster Units ) + 200 Cage 400 Imp
10- Britons - Fixed :
( Yeomen Disabled ( +1 RANGE at imperial age ) )
11- Persians- Fixed :
( Imperial at 700)
12- Adding new Hero - Fixed :
(at 5k Super haralds + Super Gk will be spawned Both instead of x2 Super GK)
13/ Restrict Bombard Towers - fixed :
(BBTs will be restricted:55 BBTs outside the Base... 20 BBts inside the Base )
14/ Villagers - Fixed :
(Max villagers number = 15 )
1- I increased BBTs inside the base from 20 To 30
2- I increased Bbts outside the base from 55 To 70
3- I descreased Huskarls spawn by 1 sec From 12 Sec to 11 Sec
4- I fixed p1 Hero spawn / P6 Hero Spawn
5- Increased vills limits From 15 To 20
V18 :
1- Fix Host's khans bug
2-In 400 Kills it Play Britons Civ Sound
3-in 600 Kills It Play Vikings Civ Sound
4-In 800 Kills It Play Byzantines Civ Sound
5-In 1K Kills It Play Mongols Civ Sound
6- 3.5 Kills =Super Haralds "5 sec" + Super Khans " 5 sec "
7- 5K kills = Super Martel "5 sec " + Super Khans " 5 sec"
elite jannisary reseach
elite consquitador reseach
who says no ?
Age updates:
-Chinese and Vikings imperial increased by 50 kills
-Chinese castle age forwarded to 250
-Spanish and Turks imperial age decreased by 50 kills
-Saracen imperial age 650 to 700
-Franks castle age maybe decreased down to 250
-Mayans imperial 450 to 500 MAYBE
-Teutons could do with more speed
-Aztecs and Franks with more archer armor
-Britons with 1 less range as in +5 at max
-Koreans slightly more resistance from huskarls/mamelukes
Spawn and unit max pop:
-Goths spawn increased by 1-2 seconds [as in seconds in fast mode]
-Saracen spawn increased by 1 second and population maybe decreased by 4 from 72 to 68
-Korean spawn increased by 1 second
-Teuton spawn decreased by 1 second
-Aztecs can do with 84/80 population instead of 96 after bringing up the armor update
Also, aside from these I'd suggest a maximum of villagers one can raze up to.
These suggestions above are not the decisions on the map, just opinions from my side/referral to someone else's opinions.
elite jannisary reseach
elite consquitador reseach
who says no ?
Age updates:
-Chinese and Vikings imperial increased by 50 kills
-Chinese castle age forwarded to 250
-Spanish and Turks imperial age decreased by 50 kills
-Saracen imperial age 650 to 700
-Franks castle age maybe decreased down to 250
-Mayans imperial 450 to 500 MAYBE
-Teutons could do with more speed
-Aztecs and Franks with more archer armor
-Britons with 1 less range as in +5 at max
-Koreans slightly more resistance from huskarls/mamelukes
Spawn and unit max pop:
-Goths spawn increased by 1-2 seconds [as in seconds in fast mode]
-Saracen spawn increased by 1 second and population maybe decreased by 4 from 72 to 68
-Korean spawn increased by 1 second
-Teuton spawn decreased by 1 second
-Aztecs can do with 84/80 population instead of 96 after bringing up the armor update
Also, aside from these I'd suggest a maximum of villagers one can raze up to.
These suggestions above are not the decisions on the map, just opinions from my side/referral to someone else's opinions.
.. goth already slow spawn maybe a descrease no ? or keep it ..
i mostly agree with other points .. let wait what will others say
saracens +25
span +20
mongol +15
turk +12
pers +10
etc etc
and then give the team with worse civ some bonus to reduce the unfairness of the match up
lets say
team 1
saracens (+25)
persians (+10)
turks (+12)
celts (0)
team 2
goth (0)
aztec (0)
vik (0)
mongols (+15)
net rating difference
0-10 = leave it as it
10-25 = give 1 player on team w/ weaker civs archer of the eye from the start
25-50 = give 1 player archer of the eyes + give another player vil from start
just an idea but would make games more fair
I think most people want to try a new map ,A map where civilizations are more balanced and
There is no match that ends due to a massive imbalance civs but there is always an opportunity for each team.
Also I want to point out that it would be fun to add HD and DE civilizations to the map
Which will give a new experience to us.
For this, we must cooperate ..What I need for everyone is a list of Bugs you are aware of , I would like to know about them all. As this post is updated I will make the required changes and update THIS post with my progress.
Also please tell us of what you wanna remove/Add in the next update.
For people who have the skill to modify the game maps and want to provide a helping hand.. Please contact me
Bugs Reported - In Progress or Fixed :
1- CELT FAST SPAWN BUG IN P1 - P2 SPOTS - In progress - Fixed By:
New Features - In Progress or Fixed
1- FRANKS - In Progress - Fixed By :
(Bearded AXES Reseached Since feudal age (+1 range))
(In Progress" = Issue is being investigated "NFF" = No Fault Found "Fixed" = Issue has been found and resolved)
Saracens will imp at 700 in the next update
saracens +25
span +20
mongol +15
turk +12
pers +10
etc etc
and then give the team with worse civ some bonus to reduce the unfairness of the match up
lets say
team 1
saracens (+25)
persians (+10)
turks (+12)
celts (0)
team 2
goth (0)
aztec (0)
vik (0)
mongols (+15)
net rating difference
0-10 = leave it as it
10-25 = give 1 player on team w/ weaker civs archer of the eye from the start
25-50 = give 1 player archer of the eyes + give another player vil from start
just an idea but would make games more fair
Genius idea .. idk if this can happen need ask more about it
Portugues Organ Gun (siege unit)
Khmer Ballista Elephant (siege unit)
Malay Karambit Warrior (half pop trash unit)
Bulgarians Konnik (Respawns as Dismounted Konnik upon death - each death gives enemy kills)
Burgundians Coustillier (Charges attack every 40 seconds - does this ability even work on voobly?)
Bohemians Hussite Wagon (you can imagine the camping with this type of unit)
that's just a few. you'd be better off just making up your own units, because what they came up with is ****ed.
Ive been trying for years....