Community Forums > Voobly General > Tournament Archive > Sign Ups - Cba hero 3v3 Tournament (18th June)
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Post below your team, and I will write it up. You can change it as much as you like until we start.
Then meet us here, to let us know you are ready to play Touranment 1
Team name: *make up a team name*
Player 1: *Name, link to your profile and current rate*
Player 2: *Name, link to your profile and current rate*
Player 3: *Name, link to your profile and current rate*
Player 4: *Name, Link to your profile and current rate* (bench)
If you don't have a team, sign up anyway, so people can find who want to make teams.
Teams that signed Up:
Cheaters :
Note : Due To the busyness of Some player . I decided that teams can recruit another player during the tourney . provided that he does not belong to any team from the tourney .
See Brackets From here :
Team Name : BTS Fan Club.
4th Bench player, spot is open,
Team Name : BTS Fan Club.
4th Bench player, spot is open,
team name: kaans
player 1: kaan01 player 2: kaan02 player 3: kaan03
Team Name : BTS Fan Club.
4th Bench player, spot is open,
ffs change the team name
Player 1: [dv8]xMag
Player 2: [dv8]xGoku_
Player 3: [Eot_]RAJPUT__