Community Forums > Voobly Community > Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Custom Scenario > General CS Discussions > RCB bugs/errors
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- Beli/Williams freezing during battles as well as when moving them manually.
Archers: no bracer, spawn each 2 sec not 1, or 3 not 2 depending on what current rate is
Scouts: Either make 4 kings or detect 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 and de-activate
Civs: Remove bloodlines from all civs which didn't have it originally, restore pers full elite ellie hp & start pers with 3 kings not 2
2 king remove palisade wall currently removes units as well as wall
Byz BBT in mid re-gens hp if not killed at start
Huns can build BBT at start in cage
- If 1v1/2v2/3v3 detected, then remove scout.
- Nerf Koreans, remove bloodlines and remove 1 range from elite wagons(non elite 4+3, elite 5+3).
- Make Persians stronger/faster, more stone maybe?
- Lower the stone for Huns since they dont need castles to get 200 pop.
archer of eyes ruined some best civilizations like Spain , Mongols , Celts...and a little japan..
they get easy early hero's like bele subo robin then other civ total failed...
need alot of improvements
We were talking with Donnie and he said he was able to make some small changes to the fair mod in order to balance the civs and heroes.