
Join Date: 25 January 2020
Edited 13 March 2022 - 11:22 am by anthony_rwr
r6legacy .net --
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Join Date: 25 January 2020
Edited 12 July 2021 - 11:36 pm by anthony_rwr
anyone ever just hear a deep house / techno song ... and close your eyes- -- think about the good old r6 1 original days ???
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Join Date: 25 January 2020
Posted 29 July 2021 - 4:10 am
lets go
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Join Date: 25 January 2020
Edited 13 February 2022 - 12:25 pm by anthony_rwr
https://discord .gg/rdCrnGqU

r6 originals help station

https://discord .gg/rdCrnGqU
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Join Date: 25 June 2010
Edited 4 February 2022 - 3:53 pm by R6L_Doglived
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Join Date: 25 January 2020
Edited 6 February 2022 - 6:53 am by anthony_rwr
im the best to ever touch this game.. just remember this mr coop hotspot peru
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Join Date: 25 June 2010
Edited 7 February 2022 - 4:08 pm by R6L_Doglived
I ain't played coop since R6 in 98. We still playing 8v8 even a Peru hotspot internet works perfectly fine for 8v8. And I'll be back in the states in 3 months. But if you like to insult ppl I'll be glad to take part as literally no one in the community has any respect for you. You're the laughing stock of RS. Just check the RS facebook groups and look at how everyone ****s on you. I ain't ever even seen you rogue until the last like 2 years before it died. Talking how your old school, yet no one knows who you are.

Meanwhile this "coop" player as you say, has brought everyone back together and helped revive the game, with a ladder on the way while you sit on voobly forums talking about how you used to "be good" and everyone knows that's a lie. You ain't ever been good... Ever.

And you really wonder why no one makes it a priority to help you get your game running... ;threaten
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Join Date: 25 January 2020
Edited 13 February 2022 - 12:36 pm by anthony_rwr
https://discord .gg/rdCrnGqU
r6 originals help discord.. be sure to download the updated HeK1.04v1.2 Rainbow Six update
works on all operting systems and graphic cards!! Game running smoother than ever.. no chop fix needed, no mouse sensitivity fix needed.. rar has integrated skins and ret.. the exe instll has a misc folder you set up what you want.. gg'z see ya soon gamersz.
Rogue orig available on discord too
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Join Date: 25 January 2020
Posted 9 February 2022 - 12:36 pm
;flowers ;flowers
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Join Date: 25 June 2010
Posted 9 February 2022 - 11:19 pm
This didn't age well...
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Join Date: 25 January 2020
Edited 13 February 2022 - 12:06 pm by anthony_rwr
r6 and r6 rs players are the ones supporting your discord..
then you have a bunch of people on there that dont even play the game.. click bait and misleading information - trolling your own discord and the original games/ legends that have been here that actually know the game and know about revivals....... instead of bringing all players together - you are trying to force people to play BT -- then ban when me and others ask for help... it's an actual set back for r6 and r6 rs players to play bt 2.0.. BT2.o it barely works for w10 or w7 it crashes constantly for both o.s. platforms and all graphic cards... the install takes 15 minutes on top of 3 programs needed to make the game partially work.... and you have to ip connect.. good luck with all that.. when most of us want to play regular r6 or regular r6rs.. freely with no hassle.
we are done trying to get the BT2.0 game to work..

get good then report.. we had multiple 8v8's for R6 and R6RS in recent years but you couldnt join because you live in peru connected off a hotspot''

the bt install/gamme is not stable.. at all
meanwhile r6 and r6rs works 150% for all platforms and graphic cards.. ggz
Hopefully voobly updates the R6 and R6RS lobbies to default.. we will be hoppin back and forth from game ranger to voobly.. hosting r6 and r6 rs games.. u gotta stop misleading people when your bt instlall 2.0 is still in development .. hope things get worked out for bt bo 2.0 on the next updte release..for many peope having issues
https://discord .gg/rke6ZpKa
for original r6 98 / r6 rs 99 help discord
https://discord .gg/rdCrnGqU

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Join Date: 25 June 2010
Edited 10 February 2022 - 3:13 pm by R6L_Doglived
Its not my discord it's the players discord. You realize your the only person banned on this discord right? And you know exactly why you were banned. Not because you asked for help but because you are the most toxic person in the community, as everyone knows. Discord is not a place you can be tolerated by people. 4 other moderators said to ban you before I agreed to finally ban you after your consistent toxic behavior was made obvious that you will never change as a human. I had given you plenty of warnings and you couldn't follow the rules. For the better of everyone on discord, you were removed. All joyous singing broke out afterwords.
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Join Date: 25 January 2020
Edited 10 February 2022 - 3:26 pm by anthony_rwr
nono, it's YOUR discord.. you censor anyone that asks for help, anyone that is in support of the series and people that have a suggestion..
your 4 friends said '' we made this updated BT installer for our friends only on W10'' everyone else is crap out of luck and we dont care''. meanwhile the BT2.0 doesnt even work on w7 or w10... that's fine and thats FACT

.. we will go back to R61998 and RS1999
where everyone wants to be and works just fine.. Thanks ...

- rwr. est 98
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Join Date: 25 January 2020
Edited 13 February 2022 - 12:07 pm by anthony_rwr
You can find your way off my posts - stop contradicting yourself..
https://discord .gg/rdCrnGqU
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Join Date: 25 January 2020
Edited 13 February 2022 - 12:38 pm by anthony_rwr
https://discord .gg/rdCrnGqU live rainbow six chat/game help.. no censorship.. freedom of speech.. arrange games for r61 or rs here!!! Join our server or merge us!!

::::in other news :::
bt bo 2.0

''Does Multiplayer work? When I try to host a game I see a quick glimpse of the lobby and then it back outs, I recall the original 1.0 working? so unsure if its my setup since then that is some how stopping it? -- player,,,--- The mod is currently aimed at single player. I'd like to make multiplayer work, but it's a world pretty unknown to me. We'll see what the future brings... '' - Mernva/Doglived - Sept 2021 from Italy/Peru Burger King hotspot' on black thorn gun mod //installer update.. same.. still doesnt work...

''When I run the game (clean install, not in program files dir, running as admin, tried winxp compat mode too) a black square pops up then my screen goes black for a few seconds then the game crashes to desktop with no error message. I'm running win10. Any ideas? '' -- player.. god job bt youre doing great
You should use dgVoodooo, I was having the same issue on Windows 10 with an Nvidia 2080 TI and dgVoodoo fixed it for me'' from the modb archive!!!! -- same 2022 still doesnt work for w7 or w10..
ask them for help 2022 on the discord and you will be banned from the discord!!!

500 members of click bait non supporters, fake news, censorship and mislead information. you're doing great job BT!!why is it that out of 400 people only 20 have bt installed successfully?

Join the R698/RS99 Originals ! Help! discord now!! https://discord .gg/rdCrnGqU

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