Community Forums > Voobly Community > Other Games > Age Of Mythology > Please remove decay for AoM DM ladder
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Can you possibly remove decay for the ladder or at least make it 2-4 weeks per 20 point decay? Thanks
We can potentially adjust it, do you have some further backing for it from the community?
Cheers and gl&hf in your games,
Black Adder
The rating threshold doesn't probably matter much than for looks with the number of players, it can help stratify the playerbase if it's active.
We can also reset the ladder if you wished.
The rating threshold doesn't probably matter much than for looks with the number of players, it can help stratify the playerbase if it's active.
We can also reset the ladder if you wished.
Monthly decay down to 1800 would be ideal. Losing points all the way down to 1699 is a lot for DM activity levels and if you get 1800 with as little players as there has been, that's an achievement in itself. A reset is not needed as the ladder is pretty new anyway, most of the guys playing it now have never touched it before.
Sounds great!