Voobly in the future(?)


Join Date: 29 December 2018
Posted 6 October 2019 - 10:09 pm
Maybe ive missed the articles or posts, but does voobly plan to run AOE2DE on this platform or will they stick to traditional AOE2?
There was a slightly inappropriate post "screw this client" that listed a few credible concerns, though his eloquence was vacant he made good points. Voobly crashes often and does poorly with lag if players are more than a couple time zones away from each other.
I personally hope Voobly Admin figure out whatever financial issues they need to do to make the neccesary updates to the program, despite the inconvenience of it I really enjoy this client.
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Join Date: 7 August 2017
Posted 8 October 2019 - 7:51 pm
Voobly has no future. Usually players play alot and then lose interest and never come back. Most of new players dont even make to Rm/Dm lobby. One day everyone will just move on.
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Join Date: 21 November 2012
Posted 8 October 2019 - 8:22 pm
[sT]ExoloT wrote:
Voobly has no future. Usually players play alot and then lose interest and never come back. Most of new players dont even make to Rm/Dm lobby. One day everyone will just move on.

I guess it will be like that with every game, but for now, Voobly is still running with a 20 year old game ...

So, I don't expect that your "one day" will come soon ^^
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Join Date: 4 July 2007
Posted 8 October 2019 - 8:42 pm
+kwin wrote:
I guess it will be like that with every game, but for now, Voobly is still running with a 20 year old game ...

So, I don't expect that your "one day" will come soon ^^


We've made it this far, and RM lobby at least is still booming. There's plenty of hope still alive.
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Join Date: 28 March 2012
Posted 8 October 2019 - 9:04 pm
Hard to say. Bear in mind AoE II DE requires Windows 10 - not everyone will have this and so there will always be a need for client that supports classical AoE II. If HD is anything to go by, the community + Voobly would probably endeavour to support DE 'characteristics' which is very welcome.

If Microsoft is serious about AoE II DE, Voobly simply cannot compete. As for the other client improvements, I doubt we will see any improvements; I am grateful for what Voobly does well and indeed what Voobly does offer in general and I personally would be satisfied to see it continue as it is - I understand lag/crashes can be fustrating but a lot of low cost/easy access games suffer from these problems too, however, I have grown to live with it. We must after all never forget this is a 20 year old game that somehow is still supported years after it's date of expiry - the fact it runs on modern hardware as well as it does is pretty cool.

We all have our own ideas on how the client could be improved but it would be better to temper expectations - that isn't to say there is no room for discussion though.
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Join Date: 15 December 2016
Posted 9 October 2019 - 1:38 am
i shall await aoe4 while you shall enjoy whatever aoe de is
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Join Date: 17 February 2017
Posted 9 October 2019 - 4:41 am
As long as it works voobly as it will continue to live for years, the DE will be like the HD, it will bring new people but in the end the conquerors is simply unsurpassed. The AOE 2 has some characteristics that make it exciting, and that go against time with the games they sell now, the first thing is that it is a training game, it requires a lot of practice, and people want to play simple games.

In the end, even if the top players are going to broadcast it, there are going to be tournaments, the simplicity of the conquerors will overcome it and they will play again as before.
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Join Date: 23 June 2019
Posted 9 October 2019 - 6:08 am
I mean who says one has to kill the other? CS GO was out for a solid 7 years before CS 1.6 died (and by died I just mean the last 24/7 server expired) I imagine that MS will likely have a terrible client as per the usual with them and then there's a chance Voobly can add it within their ecosystem? That's just a guess, but it's definitely a possibility right?
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Join Date: 26 February 2008
Posted 9 October 2019 - 11:53 am
Let us all not forget that voobly was developed 10-12 years ago on technology stack that was the go-to stack at that point in time, which now looks obsolete. and that's the point of technology - you can never chase it. It will continue to evolve.
I don't think Voobly is not in End of Life product stage, it can continue for further many years to come, because it is capable of delivering what the game needs to run. But it is not a chocolate bar that can make everyone happy. We all had problems with the client, but move on, guys come on.

Regardless of how good or bad the feedback is from people, Upgrading voobly to an advanced 2020 tech stack - that in hopes shall solve all the problems - requires **** ton of money. An amount it probably don't have after paying all the server, staff costs etc. I think a GoFundMe campaign can try to solve it, but not sure.
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Voobly Team

Join Date: 17 June 2007
Posted 9 October 2019 - 1:06 pm
Perhaps support the idea below at the MS official AgeOfEmpires forums, so we might get our MSN Gaming Zone back. It is important to make a post and tell MS that we want our Zone back - just liking the thread won't do anything.

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Join Date: 6 September 2019
Posted 9 October 2019 - 3:17 pm
I don't have the DE version so if it gets changed it should be avaible for everyone. Otherwise you will just give a fu me and others in the community that will force us to quit.
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Join Date: 19 December 2009
Edited 9 October 2019 - 11:26 pm by EpiC_Anonymous
AoE DE is a hot mess at best, the game being nothing more than a obvious cash grab that it was, it still is very unbalanced. The community still obviously very rude. In honesty Voobly is a good client for what it is worth, given it is free to use as well. I expect AoE DEII will also be a major dissapointment as well, as i said AOE DE was and still is, You simply cannot compete with the classics, but that i suppose is just my opinion but it also holds out to be true more often than not. You should read up how AoE DE got treated in its development. Id post a link to one of the threads that explain some of it but I refuse to waste more time on it or the people who continue to play it, you have indiviudals that are part of it's development who know absolutely nothing about how to make the game balanced imo. only a small handful know whats going on and what should happen only to often be ignored, aka the result of DE is what it is now. I hope they learn from AoE DE, however this being microsoft and the same people who developed DE doing DE2 i highly doubt it. History tends to repeat itself with these things from my experience. DE's lobbies are quite dead most of the day last time i looked via both the microsoft servers and steam servers that doesnt spell good at all.
But again that is just my two cents, and I have been around since the launch of the origonal AoE.

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Join Date: 28 March 2012
Posted 9 October 2019 - 11:38 pm
That AoE thread does not look promising (for DE).
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Join Date: 24 June 2007
Posted 10 October 2019 - 3:29 am
Thank the gods for Icey and his continued desire to make maps for the community.
He is the future of Voobly
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Join Date: 31 January 2018
Posted 10 October 2019 - 2:42 pm
It won't die too soon I hope, and anyways there's me who is staying here and I am pretty sure many aren't even planning to get DE ;flowers let's just hope that fewer players leave for DE and even if they do, many more come back to AOE2 reading about the news

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