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The only thing I cant prevent are your ****ty unregulated servers full of bugs and lag
i cant wait for aoe 2:DE to come so that this place can finally die
absolute piece of **** client
If that is what you want for us, then go away. We don’t need people like you in our community.
I have good connection, so I also have never problems... always the same guys that lag or drop
Anyway... have fun with finding a "better client" ... you will search forever in my opinion... lol
But the games are not played on servers.
In case you need sorting out the connectivity issues, feel free to join our Live Help Room.
We also provide a Technical Support Forum if you'd rather use the website.
I think we can figure out the problem together. Make a post or join Live Help and we will happily take your questions from there.
Have a great day and we hope to hear from you soon
If that is what you want for us, then go away. We don’t need people like you in our community.
I agree dont need people like him here, With a attitude like that, he can figure it out himself imo, and its is your pc is the issue dude, not voobly. I assure you that much.
i assure you voobly patch does not come without its own problems so dont go blaming his pc
My favourite feature is that if you make two or more consecutive clicks on the client windows the first one doing something and the following ones doing nothing causing the client to freeze and crash. Really useful, if you want to foil a CBA match you are currently losing and it can be done faster than writing /exit into the lobby or game room.
You piece of ****, you cant act like this to players.
Did you notice how kindly your leader answered the same thread?
You are not a forum fighter. People like you never deserve to be part of the staff.
If you did your job properly, he wouldn't rebel.
Go try to help people in Technical Forum there is many unsolved problem, instead of being rude here.
Sometimes it crashes all alone, sometimes after you click "run game" the game doesn't run. Still good until AoE 2 DE comes out.
Then? Only people who don't buy the game will be here and I am sure, there won't be many. (yeah those who have cracked aoe can't play WK aswell).
I absolutely agree with:
I have to agree with Dog
The first rule when you become a mod/support is that you need to learn is to be calm, kind and think before you write.
You can simply send to the hell someone with smart words. (like my old teacher used to)
Ah yes the voobly client... that rubbish outdated piece of crap is shocking at times that it even still opens
I never have issues nearly, rarely crash or anyhting, when i do it is usully my own fault.
So no, I do blame his pc. he is probably having issues due to user error. 99% of the time it usually is user error from my experience.
but like I said, he is rude so he can figure it out himself, the staff here VOLUNTEER their time to help the community here, so in turn if you have a ugly attitude towards me or other staff members that is not truly justified, my response is to help yourself.
its sorta like the golden rule your parents are supposed to teach you growing up...
come at me correctly and politely and i will happily assist how i can, otherwise your on your own.
furthermore i should mention from what i hear, the latest patch for windows 10 has caused alot of issues in alot of various applicaitons and games with fps issues. how true it is idk, i hate win 10 personally. So ideally depending on when this is happened to him it could be that, windows 10 is well, demanding to say the least. You need to have a good system to run it and voobly alone, 4gb ram minimum for voobly i believe.
I had the issue for a while, then i got a new laptop with 16gb ram.. not an issue since. nor any lag. that was well over a year ago to.