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Thank you voobly staff and everyone building a great website/client and giving us a great aoc experience! The wide screen, all the fixed patches, spectator mode, so many more things. My deepest grattitude for all the hard work!
There is however one last problem that needs some serious action. The behaviour of this one person triggered me so hard i choose to leave voobly and focus on some other games during daytime.
Since i got nothing to lose by risking to speak up now, here is one thing that should be taken care of so maybe one day LN community can restore itself.
A certain player in voobly has acces to mem+ account privileges to scan other players proflies.
He then harasses them and abuses this power for personal gains.
When a certain player host a game, he will pm all the people in his room to leave and come to his room instead. If they dont come to his room he threaten to permaban them aswell.
Many people have left voobly because of this. Have you noticed the LN 16+ community during the day has basically vanished except some people that act like this person his personal slave? If he demands being host they give him. If they dont give him host or dont boot someone to let him play they are permabanned. He uses mem+ privileges to scan all their accounts. Small example, ask Sharm about this or anyone who plays LN after 18.00 GMT. So please take action because this has been going on for a long time. I can name at least 40 old LN players who have left LN community by this one person.
PS this thread will also be started on various other private aoc forums so the people facilitating this person cannot simply erase his/theirs misconduct.
Yours truly, a very old voobly player
Here it is the forum section to contact administrators and complain an abuse of the power from a voobly staff member, feel free to put all information you have, any screenshot or evidence of a bad behaviour, don't worry about your privacy, that section can be read only by administrators,
Link: https://www.voobly.com/forum/view/556
You deleted every negative comment you ever received
Impossible, as this was completely removed more than three months ago. Please disclose names and sources and file your complaint at the appropriate complaints forums. We will then review it and take appropriate action.
You deleted every negative comment you ever received
I await your ban, but ill bet chris wont
You have all the power
The decision is yours