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This mod contains a civilization with unique
constructions, monster infantry and workers.
[AI players do not function as Legion civilization.]

Voobly Mod
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How to play
You create your game mode, you only need one or more players in the Legion
civilization. One tip, you can play in the form 1vs7 being the solo player with the
Legion civilization.

1. The Town Center and its units: You can make Acolytes which are like Villagers to build, mine gold and stone, collect fruits of bushes, sheeps etc..

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2. The Tomb: It serves to increase its population and make infantry units.

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3. Warehouse: It serves to Acolytes keep resources and to defend itself by placing units inside to shoot arrows.

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4. Units: These are the units of the Legion civilization.

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5. Hunt: You can hunt wild animals with these units. The wolf does not collect, but it helps to kill.

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Gallas - Set up for zombies to eat animals.
Vardamir - Wildlife pack mod.
Erechel - Night's Watch infantry
Cactiguy - Centaur Mod HD Edition
The X King - Sacred Entrance
korbalb - Barbarian, Behemot and Bone Dragon.
Keisari Tapsa - Advanced Genie Editor
Hawk_Ruralist - Turtle Pack
Angus Johnson - Resource Hacker