I once made a thread on Staff Forums - "How to turn CS poop into bread" and it was filled with great ideas how to fix this lobby. Good luck seeking it out!
Gtfo you just say it wont work and provide no reason. Ofc people are quitting because it gets repetitive and boring. The rest of what u said is just too dumb for me to even comment as youve showed once more that you cant read. Start sharing your dumb ideas after u learn to communicate without google translate.
Man change your username or people are going to think you are me.
cba ladder, cba hero ladder, cb random ladder, bloods random ladder, alternative random ladder, match stats ladder and lotr random ladder
add all these ladders and you have yourself a fair system that will less likely to be abused
I would like a CBA Random aswell, for all the different versions of CBA that are out there. Seems only fair, as every other ladder is getting a random pool of maps.
i will play only cba hero and AB and get more rate and reach top spot and claim in thread im no.1 CS player overall & best IN AOC CS BLA BLA BLA AND FORUM WAR AND GET BAN. GGB
King weon que hablas, si la idea que dices de los 32 no tiene sentido alguno, ya que cualquier noob basher / o cualquiera que juege solo 1 blood o 1 mapa por ladder puede llegar a tomar el °1 sin problemas, como ejemplos estás tu y ber, que tienen en alternative (tú) 2k de puro v5 pero no juegas otros mapas como lustful cbx y v10 a ese nivel, por algo digo la idea de agregar el mod de randoms maps para que sea algo realmente overall y no algo ficticio.
King weon que hablas, si la idea que dices de los 32 no tiene sentido alguno, ya que cualquier noob basher / o cualquiera que juege solo 1 blood o 1 mapa por ladder puede llegar a tomar el °1 sin problemas, como ejemplos estás tu y ber, que tienen en alternative (tú) 2k de puro v5 pero no juegas otros mapas como lustful cbx y v10 a ese nivel, por algo digo la idea de agregar el mod de randoms maps para que sea algo realmente overall y no algo ficticio.
I also think it would help cs a lot if we can implant it in some major rm tournaments so there is some actual money. Idk how the rm players or sponsors would feel tho
Man change your username or people are going to think you are me.
add all these ladders and you have yourself a fair system that will less likely to be abused
add all these ladders and you have yourself a fair system that will less likely to be abused
I would like a CBA Random aswell, for all the different versions of CBA that are out there. Seems only fair, as every other ladder is getting a random pool of maps.
Cba Hero-
And Overall- rating ladder.
Cba Hero-
And Overall- rating ladder.
silencio **** (jk)
Shut up fake