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Kindly the winner, submit there matches below as reply.
gl next rounds.
moderators do some checkup.
moderators do some checkup.
If Wolf were using his id he would of win the games easy.. You're delusional
if you didnt share how the hell u got aka.
moderators do some checkup.
Says the guy who gives his account to [Epic_]RAJPUT_ to get 2000+ ratings in CS-CBA Ladder. Well done bro
P.S. Don't try to deny this because everyone knows about it m8
let me tell everyone who you are :
1) you never play your 1v1 games vs eddy or raj ( naming them as friends or whatever)
2) secondly you licked so much ass of peter to get a FREE PREMIUM coz you really cant buy one.,
3) third u r uterly stupid thinking i need to give my id to anyone for making me 2k 11.