Rambit Castle Blood 2013 v1 new map


Join Date: 19 April 2012
Posted 19 April 2013 - 5:17 pm
Denying civ differences in the beginning is just stupid. All civs are not equal buddy.

If you have feedback go post it in the other thread. Think I'm done with this one since it's a circle jerk atm. I'm getting rid of undead bombards and archer auto-spawn. I am listening to you guys. But seriously dude you should be playing cba. The design of RCB is all about having a chance no matter who is next to you. In 2011 even if you somehow managed to get to 4 kings brits vs goths the goth would be robin or above and you'd still be screwed. Sure genitour helped a little but yeah... go post in the other thread.
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Join Date: 26 October 2010
Posted 19 April 2013 - 5:43 pm
seems like weapon is a bit of a hater here and wants his version not any other, and u are not tryin to be smug is a joke U ARE settle down have a open mind and close the thread for what cause the rcb players are trying to get what will better the game instead of making a whole new map???
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Join Date: 19 April 2012
Edited 19 April 2013 - 5:49 pm by _Ox_Weapon_xO_
Hey Beast man. I never told mods to unrate 2011 v2. So yeah.

I do have an open mind, lol. Did I not say I'm listening to feedback and am going to get rid of undead bombards and archer auto-spawn.

This seriously is a waste of time arguing with you guys about stuff like that. I'll finish v4 in the next couple weeks then I'll be done. It really isn't worth it.

In the meantime go comment in the other thread/reread the list of possible changes.
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Join Date: 26 October 2010
Posted 19 April 2013 - 5:55 pm
its not how is a map ever suppose to become legendary if it changes every year like I said small fixes should of been the only thing to happen and should of been that way from they jump the rcb community would be thriving if this was the case
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Join Date: 19 April 2012
Edited 19 April 2013 - 6:00 pm by _Ox_Weapon_xO_
Actually more people are playing it now since I made it easier. I'm still keeping some easy aspects but they won't come till later in the game.

So yeah. You're wrong again. Never have I not said I won't listen to you guys and do what the player base wants (for the most part). I will not alienate the current players that like the new features and instead I will compromise by having a more skilled beginning and having those things a little later for people to catch up. RCB is one of the most complex maps available. Getting things perfect takes time.

Edit: Last post. Going to do homework for 4-5 hours.
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Join Date: 26 October 2010
Posted 19 April 2013 - 6:08 pm
"""""""since I made it easier""""""""""" is my point exactly and what about the mother ****ign players who been playing rcb for 10 years huh? Make it easier this is a ****en joke stop ruining this map for god sakes its getting old all the other maps were very similar with different tweaks but ALL relied on speed in start YOU CANT CHANGE HOW THE MAP IS SUPPOSE TO BE PLAYED AND SAY YOUR MAKIGN IT BETTER
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Join Date: 19 December 2009
Posted 19 April 2013 - 7:13 pm
Thats true, between more ****s ar add to the map it lost the sense, agree totally with RIP_Da_BeAsT.
The only that all RCB community wants is a not crasher map, is impossible, but the crash rate could be decreased just deleting all that innecesary triggers that the map have actually.
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Join Date: 31 March 2013
Posted 19 April 2013 - 8:28 pm
Just want to give here some moderational advice first, before i may post later my, strictly personal, opinion.

1. Keep calm guys.

2. Weapon always repeats that he listens to your feedback and that he is trying to make the best of it. So give him a chance. I'm sure he would create exactly your favourite map, if enough people want it (there are not many chances that you want and as I see it at least 90% of the old players agree with those changes, mack).

3. Generally for v4: maybe it's possible to create a "noob" / help / normal version and one "pro" version, with no automatic helps at all? Would be the perfect solution for both.

4. To have here a real good discussion, i advice you to list the desired changes together with all reasons / argumentations and by that give weapon a chance to either convict you of his opinion or to see for himself that you are right.

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Join Date: 19 April 2012
Edited 19 April 2013 - 10:09 pm by _Ox_Weapon_xO_
"""""""since I made it easier""""""""""" is my point exactly and what about the mother ****ign players who been playing rcb for 10 years huh? Make it easier this is a ****en joke stop ruining this map for god sakes its getting old all the other maps were very similar with different tweaks but ALL relied on speed in start YOU CANT CHANGE HOW THE MAP IS SUPPOSE TO BE PLAYED AND SAY YOUR MAKIGN IT BETTER

You should have just as easy of a time winning as before dude. Get the stick out of your ass. The map is fundamentally the same. Maybe you just aren't that good at it?

Beginning will be more speed based in v4,exactly like before (no undead bombard, no auto spawn), and helping things will be delayed. Give better feedback please.
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Join Date: 19 April 2012
Posted 19 April 2013 - 10:11 pm
Thats true, between more ****s ar add to the map it lost the sense, agree totally with RIP_Da_BeAsT.
The only that all RCB community wants is a not crasher map, is impossible, but the crash rate could be decreased just deleting all that innecesary triggers that the map have actually.

It's a subjective opinion to say 2013/2011 crashes more. I've had both crash multiple times in a row. As I stated in the other thread a hybrid with the 2013 unit creation mechanism (i.e. taskers not always on like in 2011) and taking out the anti-blocking triggers will be the best solution. This will significantly lessen the number of effects firing which should, hopefully, lead to less crashing.
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Join Date: 14 July 2011
Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:39 pm
Genitour is part of rcb it shouldn't be removed just because noobs cry over it.
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Join Date: 19 April 2012
Edited 20 April 2013 - 10:45 pm by _Ox_Weapon_xO_
Alfz wrote:
Genitour is part of rcb it shouldn't be removed just because noobs cry over it.

Genitour was a mistake and it wasn't in 2010 or all of the versions before it. Is_this_my_name had no idea units would react to it differently when it was added. The skirm still works you just need to patrol it back and forth on no attack in front of units. If you have an idea for a defensive type buy (i.e. towers or something) tell me and maybe I'll do it if I can... I tried doing accursed towers behind the pyramid before and there just wasn't room. Right now, anyways, it seems that the genitour will stay out. Gameplay is more fun imo without it too. Buying castles was the staple defense back in the day...
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Join Date: 14 July 2011
Posted 21 April 2013 - 1:10 pm
Genitour was a mistake and it wasn't in 2010 or all of the versions before it. Is_this_my_name had no idea units would react to it differently when it was added. The skirm still works you just need to patrol it back and forth on no attack in front of units. If you have an idea for a defensive type buy (i.e. towers or something) tell me and maybe I'll do it if I can... I tried doing accursed towers behind the pyramid before and there just wasn't room. Right now, anyways, it seems that the genitour will stay out. Gameplay is more fun imo without it too. Buying castles was the staple defense back in the day...

The skirm doesn't work at all. It has been tested multiple times units don't aim at it. It is just a waste of a king.
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Join Date: 19 April 2012
Edited 21 April 2013 - 4:33 pm by _Ox_Weapon_xO_
It must have some credence otherwise it wouldn't have been in the scenario all those years. Trust me you just have to patrol it back and forth on no attack. Granted this is only slightly more effective that doing it with paladins/something else but yeah you're never going to get the same effectiveness between the skirm and the genitour. There is a huge reason to remove the genitour as well and that's because of how it can be used against the brits and robin. With their long range they automatically shoot at it from long distances and monks can't convert that far, which turns into the opponent easily shooting at your monk when you try to convert it and if they have faith you're pretty much screwed. So because of this exploit which can't be prevented it should be removed in general. The skirm isn't as bad, like you said and know, though so it's not game breaking like the genitour is against brits.
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Join Date: 24 February 2010
Posted 21 April 2013 - 4:51 pm
^You're wrong.

And you're silly. "players give balance to the map" I do see your point but this just isn't the case when it comes to people feeding and it'd be best to give them something to let them fend for themselves. Plus, the map would be more fun for more people that way. No one wants to get wtf pwned just because they're brits vs koreans/persians in the beginning.

And goths vs brits? You just proved my point. brits is absolutely ****ed in the beginning in 2011 or 2013 all goth needs to do is shoot gate down buy a castle or two and it's gg for brit if there's no balance at all. That's just stupid... this isn't cba. People should have a chance no matter what civ they're against in the beginning.

So basically you want to change AOE all together. If your brit vs goth in any map you basically screwed. So will you be changing CBA as well to make it easier for brit to survive next to goth?

As far as someone feeding goes I feel it is up to the other players in the game to stop a feeder. That is how the game has always been played.

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