Age of Mythology Reborn


Join Date: 1 December 2011
Posted 17 May 2012 - 4:37 am
Hello everyone! As I'm sure most of you can see, as it stands the voobly community for AOM is very small and I really want that to change. Even though I do not play AOM anymore, I have recently been inspired to get back into it. A while ago I used to always play AOM online in ESO studios alot and always had a blast, but then when everyone stopped playing I decided to leave too, thinking that AOM was history. But after seeing the revival of AOC on voobly, I feel that the same thing can happen with AOM. Now I'm still going to remain an AOE player as well, cause I think it's good for rm games, but I think we should start up AOM online for the great scenarios it has. I still remeber back during the ESO days where you'd find the coolests scenarios, simply cause the games offers so many objects, trigers, cinematics and overall design to make the best scenarios ever! It's awesome too, cause you can still download almost all of these maps on AOMhevan. Anyway I wanted to simply make this post to generate discussion on the topic. I basically want all AOM players on voolby, and anyone else who played AOM or who are intrested to getting into the game to give their input. What are your guys suggestions to helping the AOM voolby online community expand? Have any memories, or know of any scenarios you used to play on AOM that were just.. awesome! Please comment below. I really want this to trend! I figure a good place to start may be to increase awareness, maybe by having a youtube challenge, just of games and how to play online? Let me know what you guys think. PS: Anyone here remeber WRP? I remeber I used to play that alot.
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Join Date: 1 December 2011
Posted 17 May 2012 - 4:53 am
Feel free to comment, with your ideas, stories or experiences :)
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Join Date: 23 February 2011
Edited 17 May 2012 - 5:07 am by AoL_Iron_maiden
well..... this aom league/ sponsored tourney is a good place to start XD!

btw: is good to see you still have a special place in ur heart for aom.... it truly is a really fun game ;happycry
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Join Date: 1 December 2011
Posted 17 May 2012 - 5:08 am
Yeah I agree. It has so much potential. If no one else does I might start up my own youtube challenge to help increase awareness. Yet that'll be a step
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Join Date: 10 May 2012
Edited 17 May 2012 - 5:22 am by [ZaP_]XSTEELX
You have two choices :

1st : Ask why some ppl hate AoT and play AoM instead, the final conclusion could be : Tweak Atlants to something completely different and new, or just form another civ or implement ''USEFUL'' and ''BALANCED'' stuff/reinforcements.

OBS : RTS Sanctuary did a nc fan patch to aoe 3, why not try with AoT ?

2nd : Do any ''ULTIMATO'' against other basher games like C&C/SC2, etc... cause pro players love to spend more apm with more stuff to harass their opponents, a patch could solve it, think a little yourself. (GRAPHICS AREN'T EVERYTHING ''SOMETIMES'')

OBS : Ask someone from RTS thereafter.

Conc : Friendship with some high Voobly managers and form your ''unpredictable'' counter-attack once sources about $$, future, maintenance, pop, range, etc...

Good Luck

Stephan Mehr
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Join Date: 23 February 2011
Posted 17 May 2012 - 3:47 pm
On rts-sanctuary, the fan patch idea has been thrown around and worked on a bit.... but honestly, aot is too imbalanced to make it very viable to create.
There is potential to have a fan patch on AoM since it's more balanced, it takes a lot of work though :).

And ya there are a few aom players who have youtube channels and [You must login to view link] streams. We're going to be utilizing those resources during this summer's league/tourney :D
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Join Date: 1 April 2012
Posted 17 May 2012 - 5:59 pm
hey steak. i would like to start AOM. i am interested. but need a teacher for that. i suck in AOM. tried one though.

if possible could you please provide a guide of some basics in AOM?
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Join Date: 1 December 2011
Posted 18 May 2012 - 3:23 am
Devil: I could yeah, but I warn you I'm not the best teacher given as I haven't played in a long time, I can teach you like the basics (liks for aom, not real time strategy). Like how to use each civ and such, is that what you mean.

Maiden and Steel: I agree guys that these issues involving overpowered civs may be an issue for pro players on AOM, but I think for most new players it wont cause they're not as copetivtive. Most will just come for the unique gameplay, such as aoe players as it adds new challenges to real time strategy. Then as the community grows and more players get into the game, then the developement of patches will be more important. Cause if you think of it now, in the online AOM community we still see that they're are pros who are still playing, so clearly the lack of balance isnt that big of an issue. On a seperate note though, I think (as I've stated above) the big thing for AOM is it's scenarios which as we now are awesome, and most dont have any issue with overpowered. I really think that if we promote the many cool scenarios we'll attract alot of people, especially people who play online in aoe (since the style of play is the same, yet the scenarios are unique). So yes rm games, may be a little unbalanced in aom making a high community of copetivness would be a challenge, but who's to say that it'll distract people from playing. Maybe you guys don't see my point, but I don't think that a community needs to be super copetitive to prosper. As I recall ESO was at one point very popular, and I'm sure there's a reason why :) (please mind the grammar and spelling errors)
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Join Date: 1 December 2011
Posted 18 May 2012 - 3:29 am
And I don't just mean live streams I mean youtube accounts and such :0
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Join Date: 1 December 2011
Posted 18 May 2012 - 3:53 am
If you ask me as great as AOE is, I really dont enjoy it's scenarios. For one, the cinematics kinda suck, and the overall design of the game and trigger system makes it really hard to use. Check out these videos which demonstrate the potential AOM scenario making has
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Join Date: 1 December 2011
Posted 18 May 2012 - 3:57 am
Don't forget to please comment, I really want to hear your guys input ;) AOE players, AOM players everyone!
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Join Date: 23 February 2011
Posted 18 May 2012 - 5:20 am
@ devil: [You must login to view link] the top 2 sticky topics are nice ^^. In one of them you'll see a link to [Hail]BoIt's [You must login to view link] stream. He has done some helpful streams, most notably AoM 101 shows to help out new players :).

@ steak, yep i agree with you :). Scenario population is good along with rm population too!! :D
I think that a LOT of gamers have forgotten about aom. I know on aoczone i've posted some things and a lot of people are like "i forgot aom existed", or "i thought people stopped playing aom".
So things like this summer's tourney and all of it's facets will help out a lot! To get the word out and such.
And ya, i like aot scenarios, they're pretty fun :). we really should get some strong attention to all the possibilities that aom/aot holds for scenarios!!
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Join Date: 1 December 2011
Edited 18 May 2012 - 1:58 pm by steakmittens
Yes, well what I think I may do, is download alot of the scenarios myself (from like aomhevan), then host them in the aom lobby so they can circulate. I think it would be a good idea to have the scenarios played in videos on youtube, so people can see what they're like. Streams would also work as well but I'd either have to get someone else (I'll contact BoIt's) to maybe stream the game or do it myself, which I need to figure out. I could do both as well I propose. As for youtube, youtube is a big outlet to gamers outside voobly, therefore I think it would also be good to have a youtube account where videos of these scenarios can be posted. Are there any AOM youtube accounts still active? Cause if not, we may need to make one, to attract more people into the community. I know some active aoe youtube owners, like zeroempiers who have even started to post some AOM stuff. But I don't know if they'll be willing to do more AOM stuff, as they tend to focus on AOE. It that case we'll need to decide about a youtube account, which i think is important.
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Join Date: 23 February 2011
Posted 18 May 2012 - 4:01 pm
ya there's some people who have posted youtube videos recently (boIt uploads his streams onto youtube).

i highly highly doubt boIt will put scenarios onto his channel. he is a talented supremacy player and is focusing on that.
But i think that if you really want to do this, you really need to take hold of the reigns on this one and start getting things going.
There are still many many scenario players that play on ESO. In fact thats basically where aom/aot scenarios are still played. So if you can somehow tap into that huge activity pool, bring them to voobly as well..... that would give you a huge foundation to work with.
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Join Date: 1 December 2011
Posted 18 May 2012 - 9:19 pm
Yes that would work well. Thanks though, cause I wasn't sure whether or whether not people still played on ESO or not so i figured we only option would be AOMhevan. This way would work best, as transfering maps is easier. Then I'll just host the games on voobly, and presto! I am indeed willing to take most the intiative for this project, like I'll try and set up a stream just to show case scenarios. I aslo start threads on what each scenario is about and how it's played. Then again I wouldn;t mind some help for all this, if anyone is intrested (like with threads, circulating scenarios and awarness).

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