Age of Empires II: The Conquerors > Game Mods > RCB Fair Mod

RCB Fair Mod

by Ox_Weapon_xO - 873 downloads


6/4/2022 Update - Added 2022 v5 Map

Changes Affecting Civilizations

All Civilizations
  • Palisade Walls and Gates are built instantly. Palisade Wall (-249 HP).
  • Town Centres, Bombard Towers and Arrow Towers (Watch Tower, Guard Tower and Keep) are built faster.
  • Monks and Friars have 12 Range, Block Printing does nothing.
  • Heresy enabled for all Civilizations.
  • Faith enabled for all Civilizations.
  • Treadmill Crane enabled for all Civilizations.
  • Thumb Ring enabled for all Civilizations.
  • Bracer enabled for all Civilizations (except Persians).
  • Squires enabled for all Civilizations (including Celts).
  • Husbandry enabled for all Civilizations.
  • Bloodlines enabled for all Civilizations (except Franks).
  • Unique Units (+1 AP) vs War Wagons and War Elephants.
  • Infantry Units (+2 AP) vs War Elephants.
  • Infantry Units have 1.05 Movement Speed (not for Woad Raiders, Teutonic Knights, and Berserks).
  • All Civilizations get Bombard Towers.
  • Conscription Technology modified (Unit Creation Time -34%).
  • House (+1000 HP).
  • Castle (+60 AP vs Genitour, +20 AP vs War Elephants, +30 AP vs Scythian Scout, -3 Melee and Pierce Armour).
  • Castle Attack Rate reduced (2->2.1).
  • Bombard Tower Attack Rate increased (6->5.2).
  • Watch Tower, Guard Tower and Keep costs 90 Stone to build.
  • Castle costs 430 Stone to build.
  • Murder Holes Technology costs 200 Food and 0 Stone.
  • Bombard Tower (+70 AP vs Scythian Scout).
  • Unique Infantry Units (+2 AP) vs Robin Hood, Charlemagne, and Archers of the Eyes.
  • Nevski Range (.5).
  • Imperial Age Research Time 190 -> 300 seconds.
  • Villager Creation Time 25 -> 30 seconds.
  • Feudal and Castle Age Cavalry Armour Technologies enabled (Chain and Scale Barding Armour).
  • Jaguar Warriors Movement Speed increased (1->1.05).
  • Jaguar Warriors Creation Time reduced (20->19).
  • Elite Longbowman (+10 HP) and normal Longbowman (+5 HP).
  • Longbowmen are now more accurate.
  • Yeomen Technology modified (Foot Archers receive +1 AP instead of +1 Range).
  • Cataphracts (+1 AP) and Elite Cataphracts (+2 AP).
  • Logistica Technology disabled.
  • Blast Furnace Technology enabled.
  • Cataphract Movement Speed increased from 1.35 to 1.45 to match Belisarius.
  • Woad Raiders Movement Speed increased (1.2->1.4).
  • Woad Raiders (+5 HP).
  • Woad Raiders +2 AP vs all buildings.
  • Chu Ko Nus (+1 AP).
  • Throwing Axemen Movement Speed increased (0.9->1.05)
  • Throwing Axemen (+1 Range).
  • Huskarls (+1 Melee and Pierce Armour).
  • Goth Heroes receive +1 Pierce Armour (must research Anarchy to take effect).
  • Nothing
  • Samurai Movement Speed increased (1->1.05).
  • Samurai (+2 AP) vs Janissaries.
  • War Wagons Attack Rate increased (2.5->2.4).
  • War Wagons Creation Time reduced (25->24).
  • War Wagons (+1 AP vs Charles Martel).
  • War Wagons (+1 AP vs Subotai).
  • Cavalry Armour Technologies enabled (Chain and Scale Barding Armour).
  • Plumed Archers (+1 AP) vs Buildings.
  • Mangudai Creation Time reduced (26->24).
  • Mangudai Attack Rate increased (2.1->1.9).
  • Mangudai (+1 AP) vs Buildings.
  • War Elephants Movement Speed increased (.6->.7).
  • War Elephants Creation Time reduced (31->30).
  • War Elephants (-1 AP) vs Buildings.
  • War Elephants (+3 AP) vs Charlemagne.
  • Mamelukes (+2 AP) vs Buildings.
  • Mamelukes Creation Time reduced (23->22).
  • Conquistadors Attack Rate increased (2.9->2.61).
  • Conquistadors Creation Time reduced (24->20).
  • Conquistador Frame Delay decreased (4=>3).
  • Teutonic Knights Attack Rate increased (2->1.9).
  • Teutonic Knights Movement Speed increased (.6->.95).
  • Plate Barding Armour disabled.
  • Janissaries Creation Time reduced (21->20).
  • Berserks Movement Speed increased (1.05->1.1).
  • More Berserks with +50% Attack Rate.

Archers of the Eyes
  • Movement Speed reduced (1->.95).
  • (+1 Pierce Armour, +1 AP vs War Wagons, Robin Hood, Janissaries, Conquistadors, Mangudai, +2 AP vs War Elephants).
  • HP reduced (55=>45)
  • Pierce Armour increased 0 -> 2.
  • Collision Size reduced 0.3 -> 0.2.
  • Movement Speed increased (.89->.97).
  • (+2 AP vs Pyramid, +1 Melee Armour, +3 AP vs Buildings).
  • Attack Rate increased (2->1.79).
  • +3 HP for fun.
Robin Hood
  • Attack Rate increased (2->1.9).
  • (+3 AP vs Buildings and War Elephants).
  • More accurate, (70=>80).
  • Movement Speed increased, (0.96=>0.98).
  • (+1 Melee and Pierce Armour, +15 AP vs Buildings).
  • Range (.1).
  • (+3 AP vs War Elephants, +10 AP vs Buildings).
  • Subotai accuracy increased (55=>66).
  • Subotai Frame Delay reduced 5 -> 0.
Charles Martel
  • Movement Speed increased (.89->1.03).
  • (+3 AP vs War Elephants).
  • HP (350 -> 320).
William the Conqueror
  • Range (.1).
  • (+1 Melee and Pierce Armour, +15 AP vs Buildings).
Theodoric the Goth
  • (+15 AP vs Buildings).
  • Range (.1).
  • Movement Speed increased 0.9 -> 1.0.
Genghis Khan
  • Line of Sight increased (4->5).
  • Movement Speed decreased (1.45->1.4).
Harald Hardraade
  • Attack Rated reduced (1->1.2).

Tiny Island Changes

  • Super Elite Genitour (100 Starting HP, 100 Starting AP, Default Armour 3/3).
  • Super Elite Genitour changed to Hero (regenerates HP, cannot be converted).
  • Super Elite Genitour renamed Weapon.
  • Mordred Movement Speed increased (1.3->2.1).
  • Mordred (-1 Melee and Pierce Armour).
  • Mordred cannot kill Castles, Stone and Fortified Walls.
  • Mordred Attack Rate reduced (.8->1).
  • Mordred Attack vs Buildings reduced (80->54).
  • Frankish Paladin (+100, starting HP, +3 Melee and Pierce Armour, +100 AP vs Pyramid).
  • Frankish Paladin Attack Rate increased (2->1.79).
  • Frankish Paladin (+1.75 Range).

  • Transport Ship Movement Speed increased (1.45->2.1).
  • Alexander Nevski (+2 Melee Armour, +3 Pierce Armour).
  • Alexander Nevski Attack Rate increased (2->1.95).
  • God's Own Sling accuracy increased to 100%.
  • God's Own Sling (+500 HP, +210 AP vs God's Own Sling)
  • God's Own Sling Movement Speed increased (.8->1).
  • God's Own Sling Attack Rate increased (10->7.9).
  • Elite Skirmisher Movement Speed increased (.95->1.15) and more resistant to conversion.
  • Friar Tuck Movement Speed increased (.7->.95).

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Palisade Walls can be see through Buildings just like Units.
  • You can no longer do Palisade Wall exploit (e.g. placing Wall to see enemy base). The Wall Foundation is now invisible if you do not have LOS in that area. This seemingly does not work.
  • Gates cost increased (30->90).


2021.06 Archers of the Eyes HP 50 -> 45.
2021.04 Archers of the Eyes Collision 0.3 -> 0.2, HP 35 -> 50, Pierce Armour 0 -> 2.
2021.04 Subotai Frame Delay 5 -> 0.
2021.04 Theo Movement Speed 0.9 -> 1.0.
2021.04 Squires, Husbandry and Bloodlines (not for Franks) enabled for all Civilizations.
2021.03 Scenario bugfix.
2021.02 Imperial Age Research Time 190 -> 300 seconds, Villager Creation Time 25 -> 30 seconds.
2021.01 Reverted the Belis, William, Theo Attack Rates and Movement Speeds back to original.
2017.08 Khan back to normal AP of 25.
2017.08 Harald Attack Rate closer to normal (normal is 1, value was at 1.33, now at 1.2)
2017.08 Persians must pay 550 Stone per Castle, 430 for the rest of Civilizations.
2017.08 House +500 HP.
2017.08 Tamerlane HP reduced (350=>320).
2017.08 Frankish Paladin +100 starting HP.
2017.08 Genitour Movement Speed to 1.55 (1.25=>1.55).
2017.08 Palisade Walls are now visible through buildings.
2017.08 Gates cost 90 Stone.
2017.08 Archers of The Eyes HP reduced from 55 to 35, named "Feeble Creatures. GO!"
2017.08 Frankish Paladin Range changed to 1.75.
2017.08 Mordred has total of 58 AP.
2017.08 Castle cost reduced to 430 Stone.
2017.08 Gate cost to 133 Stone.
2017.08 Transport Ship +5 garrison capacity, Saracens now just +5 for civ bonus.
2017.08 Block Printing - no longer does anything. Instead Monk + Friar always 12 range.
2017.08 Elite War Elephant (-50 hp, 600=>550)
2017.06 Franks HP bonus taken away from Cavalry Archers. Bloodlines removed. Franks cavalry still +20% hp.
2017.06 Crenellations back to Imperial Age for Teutons. Melee bonus taken away for Teutons.
2017.06 Teutons - Ring Archer Armor technology removed.
2017.06 Conquistador frame delay increased (4=>3), zero frame delay makes them too strong.
2017.06 Theo reload time to 1.65 (1.4=>1.65), movement speed back to 1.05 from 1.15
2017.06 Beli, William, & Theo range changed to 0.1 from 0.25.
2017.06 Teutons plate barding armor is taken away, crenellations armor bonus was taken away.
2017.06 Elite Genitour movement speed bonus was taken away.
2017.06 Woad Raider, Elite Woad Raider+2 ap vs all buildings.
2017.06 Castles cost 500 stone to build.
2017.06 Castle (+60 AP vs Genitour). Changed from +20 ap vs Genitour.
2017.06 Mordred Movement Speed increased and +4 AP.
2017.06 Robin Hood accuracy increased to 80 (75=>80, originally 70), Robin speed increased (.96=>.98).
2017.06 Charlemagne movement speed increased (0.95=>0.97) and +3 HP for fun.
2017.06 Khan AP changed to 22 (20=>22, original value 25).
2017.06 Transport Ship Movement Speed changed to 2.1 (1.9=>2.1).
2017.06 Archers of the Eyes back to normal reload time (1.9=>2).
2017.06 Gates cost triple stone (90 stone, 30=>90).
2017.06 Super Elite Genitour renamed Weapon. Genitour movement speed decreased (1.6=>1.5).
2017.06 Nevski - 0.5 range.
2017.06 Frankish Paladin - +1 range.
2017.06 Belisarius, William, Theo range changed to 0.25.
2017.06 Harald - reload time increased (1.4=>1.33, original value is 1)
2017.06 Franks get Bloodlines technology. Bearded Axe no longer effects Martel & Harald.
2017.06 Thumb Ring technology enabled for all civilizations.
2017.06 Teutons & Franks now get Bracer technology.
2017.06 Bracer is now enabled for Celts.
2017.06 Conquistadors lose their attack delay.
2017.06 Cataphracts movement speed increased to 1.45 to match Belisarius.
2017.06 Bearded Axe now applies to all axe throwing infantry units.
2017.06 Theodoric the Goth reload time reduced from 1.8 to 1.4 and movement speed increased from 1.05 to 1.15.
2017.06 William the Conqueror range increased from 0 to 1.
2017.04 Fixed a bug with Goths not being able to research Block Printing.
2017.04 Alexander Nevski renamed to Rambit.
2016.12 Added Advanced Statistics.
2016.12 Block Printing enabled for all Civilizations.
2016.12 Faith enabled for all Civilizations.
2016.12 Treadmill Crane enabled for all Civilizations.
2016.09 Goth Heroes receive +1 Pierce Armour (must research Anarchy to take effect).
2016.09 Teuton Heroes receive +1 Melee Armour (must research Crenellations to take effect).
2016.09 Celts can now research Squires.
2016.09 Mayans are not able to research Plate Barding Armour anymore.
2016.09 Mayans are not able to research Bloodlines anymore.
2016.09 Yeomen no longer give +2 AP to Foot Archers, only +1 AP now.
2016.09 Crenellations can be researched starting from Castle Age.
2016.07 Mordred no longer deal damage to Janissaries.
2016.05 Charlemagne receive +2 AP against Pyramid.
2016.05 The Frankish Unique Technology - Bearded Axe - now gives +1 Range to Charlemagne aswell.
2016.05 Franks Knight-line +20% HP bonus now applies to all Cavalry units.
2016.05 Charlemagne Range reverted back to 3.
2016.03 Franks can now research Squires.
2016.03 Mordred rightfully deal full Attack Damage versus Gates.
2016.03 Increased Mordred Attack Damage versus Gates and Towers by 10, (40->50).
2016.03 Enabled Blast Furnace Technology for Byzantines.
2016.02 Yeomen modified (Foot Archer Range +1->0, Foot Archer Attack 0->+2).
2016.02 Removed a hidden bonus given by Garland Wars, previously all Aztec Infantry had +1 Melee Armour.
2016.02 Archers of the Eyes Attack Rate reduced (1.79->1.9)
2016.02 Mordred Damage output reduced (80->40 AP vs Buildings).
2016.02 Mordred Attack Rate reduced (.8->1).
10.2015 Mayans can now research Bloodlines.
10.2015 Mayans can now research Husbandry.
10.2015 Aztecs can now research Husbandry.
10.2015 Reverted Chu Ko Nu +10 HP bonus, now they have the standard HP as in the normal game.
8.2015 Mordred Melee and Pierce Armour reverted and nerfed (removed the +1 Bonus and nerfed by 1 also, so total of -2 Melee and Pierce Armour).
8.2015 Mordred HP bonus reverted (-76 HP).
8.2015 Ring Archer Armour readded to Persians.
8.2015 Bracer removed for Persians.
8.2015 Genghis Khan LOS bug fixed (Range and LOS are equal now).
10.002 Bombard Tower stone cost reverted. No longer costs 250 stone to build.
10.002 Cavalry Archers bonus reverted. No longer get +15 HP and +1 AP vs Buildings.
10.002 Paladin bonus reverted. No longer gets +15 HP and +1 AP vs Buildings.
10.002 Bombard Tower bonus against Genghis Khan reverted. No longer kills Genghis Khan in one hit.

Check also
RCB Fair Mod Discussion Thread
Complete RCB FFA Gameplay Guide
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