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Tournament Map: Treasure
Map Summary
* Time: 12 Minutes
* Starting Ant Number: 6
* Maximum Ant Number: 15
* Power-Ups:
* Food: Candy (30 points), Cheese Cracker (25 points), Potted Meal (20 points), Chicken Leg (15 points), Critter
Cola (15 points), Choco-Fishy Snax (25 points), Pizza! In a Tube (20 points), Steak Whiz (25 points)
The Lowdown
* Secure your own CombAnts and FireAnts first.
* If your opponent is doing something else, take his too.
* Go for the candy and gum even if you're blue or black.
* A quick Thief won't hurt!
Tournament Format: Single Elimination 2v2 (may change to 1v1 if insufficient numbers) (Best of 3 in Final Round)
"Definition of Best of Three"
Three matches are arranged and are played in order. Whoever wins 2/3 matches will advance to the next round. If one team wins the first two matches, then the third match does not need to be played. If each team wins one match, then the third match will be played as a tie breaker.
Colors: Green/Black v Red/Blue
Tournament Date/Time: 3/20/2011 - (6.30pm EST) 3:30pm PST - 11:30 pm GMT)
1. Please turn off all communication devices (such as AIM and MSN) before the game begins, not only may it cause lag, but it could also cause you to be disconnected or interrupted during the game.
2. If a freeze or other technical issue occurs before the game that causes the player to leave the room, the player has 5 minutes to return.
3. The first assigned player/team has hosting rights - they may host (be Green/Black) or give up that right (be Red/Blue).
4. Players/Teams will have 10 minutes to start after the match is announced, anyone not playing after this time face elimination from the tournament.
5. Please inform me if any disputes occur (including cheating accusations)[You must login to view link] or recordings (such as FRAPS) WILL be required to advance to the next round.
6. Voobly Rules are in force throughout the tournament - no flooding, no harsh language, no shouting. Failure to follow the rules can result in disqualification and removal from the room.
7. My decision is final.
Awards: Shields on profile
Lol. Why do you keep making new accounts?
Winners of the Ants BATTLE!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to all who participated and stay tuned for future tournament announcements
1st) -Megatron17
2nd) -[IA]LeGo_
3rd) -[aKz]Lifted
**Had to switch to 1vs1 since we couldn't get enough for 2vs2, but still good turnout 12 people signed up.**
--Got some FRAPS footage i will throw a video together sometime this week if any of you guys have any footage to add send it to:
--> [You must login to view link] <--
-Thanks again to all who participated