Millions lives lost,but we only hoped for war
Millions hearts lost,but we lived happily for the points we used to get,
they fought for us to win,but we didnt take thier notice.
They thrown their own blood for you,for us it means victory
We didnt care their lives,we didnt made their graves of thier dead bodies.
For them they didnt knew thier name,while we had our best names,
they were rankless,fighting for our rate to be risen,
as we reached 2k, Millions of lives,Trillions of bloods were fallen for war ,for the points, for the fame.
Its time we pay hompage to this martyrs,,
Its time we take notice of their sacrifice,,
Its time we name each of the units a special one
AND LAST THING, let there be a peace.

Yeah i meant those units which usually gets killed while we play.We need to respect them ;D :P